Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Festina lente

Is it ever a good idea to start a blog post with a description/definition of it's title? Oh well!

When I so enthusiastically started this blog, with the sincere hopes of posting every minute detail, of any and every change we would make to our brand new (to us) house, I admit, I was sorely misguided. I was misguided in our ability to bring about quick changes in our 1 bedroom condo. And I was misguided in my ability to post about every little change. A few things surfaced very quickly as I day-dreamed about topics of post after post in my head.

  1. I don't know how to make painting a wall sound interesting, when the activity itself bores me to tears.
  2. Lui and I are not the awesome DIYers I was hoping for us to be. We are l-a-i-d-b-a-c-k.
  3. I always want things to be a little bit more "done" before I feel they are worth writing about (and I know I am wrong about this, since I do appreciate reading about how people change lightbulbs in their homes)
  4. I take crappy pictures!
As I realized these things, I figured it may not be such a hot idea to continue with the blog, (you know, since I seemingly lack the makings of a good blogger)

But then again, I know it would be awesome to, some day, look back and enjoy the trials and tribulations we went through being young, new home owners.

Next step should be to post pictures of our palace. And just so we are all caught up, the past 6 months has involved gathering various pieces of furniture, painting the dining room, and one wall in the living room. Hopefully, the rolling ball speeds up henceforth.

P.S. Festina lente - make haste slowly.